Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Connecting, Reconnecting & Smiling Through it All!

I am truly amazed at what blessings trials can bring us. In the last few months, I have reconnected with so many beloved friends from the past...I can hardly believe all the great people I have been in touch with again, many after more than 20 years of not seeing each other! Wonderful friends from Grantsville,UT, Warrenton, VA, Orem, UT, as well as "local" friends and family here in Riverdale and other parts of Utah. You have all thoroughly amazed me with the love and support. You are all choice people and I am grateful to call you friends.

Then there are the THOUSANDS of people whom I have never Hawaii at BYUH and PCC, friends of my family from CA to Hong Kong, and the "strangers" who simply saw my story and stopped to read. You are all truly amazing in every way.

I recently caught up with my good friend, Travis, (a fantastic "culture" consultant and motivational speaker) who has also undergone some health challenges of his own lately. Strange how we now related to each other better than ever before. We both have a new appreciation for friendship, life, love, families and God.

Then there are those who have touched me through their own trials, like my new online friend, Jason. Wow...if ever someone has had health struggles, it is him, and through no fault of his own. (A minor surgical procedure went terribly wrong and he nearly he is living with the life-long consequences and complications.) He has already taught me so much about life... I hope you will take the time to learn from him, too.

Then while on a brain tumor forum yesterday, I came across a post from a very angry woman who is struggling with a tumor. I can relate to much of what she says, but the attitude, I just can't understand. Life is what it is...she cannot change her tumor anymore than I could. I didn't ask for a tumor, nor did I ask for a spinal fluid leak, facial paralysis, hearing loss... but that doesn't matter. This is my life and I CHOOSE to be happy anyway. I am still here, feeling blessed and loved, and that is what matters. Please, know that God loves all of us and because of Him and the peace He can give us, we can SMILE through any challenge!! Much love to all!

PS - We are doing family things the next few days, so I may not be posting. I will catch up this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jodi. You're awesome.
Love, Annette

Anonymous said...

I think I have said this before on your blog but I think it is worth repeating. I read in the church news once, "Although dangerous and real the sea of adversity is not the entire ocean." There is no doubt that while living our lives on this earth we are faced with challenges and we are faced with choices. Do we take each of our challenges and turn to our Father in Heaven? Do we allow the Lord to use them to make us stronger? Do we rely on His wisdom? Or, do we lash out and habor anger and resentment keeping the Lord and his blessings from our reach. We can choose to use our adversity as a stepping stone to bring us closer to God or as a stone to beat ourselves in the head.

Belinda said...

You Rock !!
Love ya x