Sunday, November 22, 2009

. . . . . . . . Thanksgiving: The Sabbath Day

There are so many things about Sundays that I am thankful for, now and throughout the year. I truly appreciate the opportunity that I have to worship my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, on the Sababbath Day. I know that there are many people throughout the world who do not enjoy this freedom that we often take for granted. It is not taken for granted today.

While I sit in church, I love to feel the Spirit wrap loving arms around me and engulf me in warmth. I love to hear the beautiful hymns and music of the faithful. I love to watch my children take turns giving talks to the other primary children, for it reminds me, that even at tender, young ages, they too, can know the truth. I love to hear the youth speak; when they say it like it is, and bring us all to tears. I love to study the gospel of Jesus Christ, to read the scriptures and "hear" them testify of truth.

When I return home from my uplifting, yet exhausting time at church with my little ones, I have yet more to be thankful for. I am thankful for Sunday afternoon naps, quiet time, and a few hours of peace. Sunday dinners with Grandma and Grandpa and yummy family night treats also make the gratitude list. I am even grateful for the "Sunday evening sitr crazies" my children get after being inside all afternoon and evening long. Though I rarely find a way to cure this strange disease, it too reminds me that at least I have been with my darling family all day, and that is a wonderful blessing indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one learn that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.