I could hardly believe it was the end of October! We took the kids outside and carved pumpkins in the afternnon sun, an activity usually reserved for inside on cold October evenings. But on this day, everything about it was beautiful. I couldn't help but feel like God had given us a bonus day, a little bit of sunshine to lift our souls and remind us of the warmth of summer that is now just a memory. I didn't want to go inside, so I stayed out as long as I could, first weeding the garden, then carving pumpkins, then just basking for a few moments. Perfect.
The family activities of the day were fun, as always. The kids had a great time with Dad getting treats from the neighbors and I had fun handing out the candy. This year, I did something I've never done before. I dressed up for Halloween. It seemed fitting that I should be a pirate, but not just any pirate, a princess pirate, complete with my be-dazzled eye patch, crooked face and smile, and the best darn "arghhhh, matey" you've ever heard. It was fun to play the part and feel like, for at least one day this year, I totally fit in. :)
Tolan and I didn't coordinate well, so we didn't get a lot of great pics of the kids before they went out. In the few he took, the kids weren't completely ready, especially my sweet ballerina Lindi. Still, they looked cute and had fun. After a full night at home, we loaded in the car and drove to Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house for more treats, including cinnamon rolls and pumpkn pie. Yum!
To top it off, we came home and went to bed "early" because of the daylight savings time switch, and I slept more last night than I had in the previous 3 nights! All in all, a great day!
There is much more news from the weekend, but I will catch up on all of that tomorrow night. The kids have the day off school tomorrow (end of the term) so we are going to just play! I am finally feeling better from my nasty case of strep throat, and now armed with an H1N1 flu shot, I am more prepared to get out. (Thanks to my great neighbor who vaccinated me at home! I guess there are some advantages to being "high-risk"!)
And now, here's to the start of our Thanksgiving month! Count your blessings, my friends, and if you are like me, you will find they add up quickly!
Way to go Jodi...awesome costume, pumpkin carving, so much family fun, and all with an amazing attitude! It was wonderful to have a sunny halloween :)
Glad you are feeling better. Did vener give you the shot? When we went to bountiful and waited over 2 hours to get ours, it was so sweet that SHE was the one we were sent to, to give us our shots. It was so coincidental and a fun surprise to see her!
What a fun-filled post, both words and photos!
Cool costume! I was a pirate last year, too. You look great. I'm glad you had a fun Halloween.
Hey your costume turned out super awesome! I doubt most pirates look that good!
I think my sense of humor has saved my sanity many times over. And to see yours shine like it did on halloween...hats off to you matey!
So glad to see you are doing a little better. Don't get carried away now, and over do it! Steady and nice and slow.....! Even when you think you can. So my dad's wisdom...there is a price tag attatched to everything we do in life. Sometimes we pay up front. Sometimes at the end. But in the end the score has to be settled. So it goes for your recovery. You overdo it now, you will likely pay the price after. So control your excitement with the feeling good! Saying that with all my love...Really. And by now you know me well enough that i mean that.
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