Friday, August 27, 2010

. . . . . . Insomnia

Sleepless nights make for hard days. The last few weeks I have spent hours and hours lying in bed, unable to find rest. Today I decided I have had enough so I called my doc and I am hoping he will have a solution to help. If any of you have suggestions, please share!

Rather than stumble through a long update post, know that I continue to make progress and life is good. I had a facial therapy appointment and Janene gave me a smiley face on my page and said my improvement since June is phenomenal! I could be "conference worthy" because I have changed so much. Great news, and we are still working to make things better.

I hope you are still looking for and finding your own miracles everyday, as we are! Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Oh are going to stop your blog as it was. I can hear it in this post. Maybe you are the one who is tired of your receovery. I will never be weary of hearing how the body very gradually rights itself, with extreme medical help and prayer and diligence. I will miss your receovery blog. It has been an everyday part of me, this story of healing and hope.

PS I'm an Advil or Tylenol PM girl myself on keyed up nights. Be well. Jodi.

Julie said...

I think that something about surgery, maybe the anesthesia, can really mess with sleep patterns and melatonin. Something that has really helped me has been "tart cherry juice" which has been scientifically proven to help with melatonin (which helps us sleep) production. I take one tablespoon each afternoon and it helps me sleep sooo much better. I buy it in Willard from a cherry fruit stand. I can give you the address and phone number if you are interested. Good luck with your continued healing.