She asked her Mom to treat her like she was at a salon (see picture below). She wanted to relax somewhere besides the bed ( see picture below). She appreciated the delivery of more flowers and gifts, including homemade bread. She enjoyed more visits from neighbors and calls from family and friends. She, as always, enjoyed the comments on the blog and so appreciates the continued prayers and fasting of so many, including the fasting by those for whom this is a new experience.
All-in-all, it has been the best day in quite awhile. Dr. Couldwell came by tonight and told Jodi that she could go home as soon as she felt good enough and strong enough to do so. He thinks the headache problem will correct itself as she is up and about more and more.
Just a moment ago Jodi said, "I'm hungry! What is there to eat!" Wow! Her appetite is coming back. That's a good sign too!
So, we'll see how tomorrow goes and take things from there.
Tolan said he had a great time at Lagoon today. The kids had a ball. Tolan got a little nauseated going with Trenden on all the rides...not an unusal price to pay for a wonderful day with your kids. Right now Jodi is talking to Casen about how much fun he had at the amusement park today.
It looks like it was a good day for the whole family. Hopefully, it won't be long before they're having great days together.
The happy meter is rising!:)
Wendy T.
Onward and Upward!!! I hope today is just the begining of many brighter days!!!
Love ya, Kelly
Jodi, sooooo good to hear you're doing better, Randy just had me read your blog to him this morning, he and Austin have been up in the Uinta's. Randy's been plowing snow at Camp Steiner so the scouts can start utilizing the facilitiy and Austin's just went along for the ride and getting some fishing in. I'm stuck here watching my sister's kids while they're in New York. We check your blog constantly and love it when we hear your doing better. Hopefully you'll be home soon. We love and miss you, and pray for your recovery. Love,
The Bennett's
So gladd to hear you are feeling a little better. Our prayers will continue for your strength and stamina to grow. Keep up the good work. Joyce R
Jodi, I think you have a bigger fan club than Barbie does! And, you've got to be the favotite patient down there, as well! For're loved lots and lots! Your Dad and Tolan have been wonderful bloggers and it has been so nice for us to be able to be informed of your progress, as well as the times you need extra prayers, too. You're doing so GREAT! I hope your weekend continues in that direction and those headaches soon fade right away. You've talked before about what awesome parents you have, and it's been nice to get to know them a little bit through this blog. How wonderful that they have been able to be right there for you. Know of our love and admiration for you, Jodi, and that our prayers in your behalf continue. Hope every day is a better day! Love You!
The Tates
Hey look at this; I finally figured out how to post a comment. We're both making improvements! I'm so thrilled that you had a better day. It sounds like you really will be headed home soon. I'm so thankful that you have such a wonderful family to take care of you. It is AMAZING to read this blog and realize how much time, attention and dedication your whole family puts in everyday to your care and recuperation. Thank you all for taking such great care of my friend!!!
Lots of Well Wishing,
Jodi's feeling good.
It's been too long -
but we prayed she would!
Now to keep
the good times comin'
To get her home,
walkin' and runnin'.
All your friends
and family too,
hope that you know...
Thanks for keeping us posted!!
Love always, Belinda nad family.
Jodi, you are a champion with lots of loving coaches and cheerleaders all around.
Your dad can replace Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN any day. He's gotten so good in his reporting of your medical refiner's fire :=)
Talking about Tolan's wild Lagoon rides, our neighbor had their second baby by the Kahalu'u Hygienic Store a couple days ago.
She couldn't make it to all the way to the Moanalua hospital. They had to pull over by the banyan tree where the "druggies" hang out. That's one place I never want to stop unless I have to, in my opinion. The baby came out still in the amniotic sac.
Both mom and infant are doing excellent. They should have a big discounted medical bill since the baby wasn't delivered in the labor room and no ob doc :=) We think his middle initals should be H.S. for Hygienic Store!
All the best to you always.
Choon James from Hawaii
We are so glad that you are starting to feel better and that you will hopefully be going home soon. We want you to know that we love you and your family and continue to pray for you all.
Love Always,
Dustin and Rachel Orgill
and Kids.
Hey Jodi, I am so glad that today was a better day. I don't have internet so Brandi has been keeping me posted on your condition. I am using my moms computer to send you a little message because I don't want you to think I don't care. I think about you every second, and I know that you can do it. You are a strong amazing person. When you are home and feeling better, I will come visit you. I hope you continue to have good days and just know that I will be praying for you every second.
Love, Emily Swalberg
I once saw an object lesson given at church. The instructor took a ping-pong ball, drew a smiley face and placed it into a jar. As the class listed trials that we may face in this life, she poured wheat over the top of the ball until it was completely covered. She sat the jar on the table and continued her lesson. Through the side of the jar I could see a small portion of the ball. I felt smothered. I tried to wish that ball to the top. I couldn't think of anything else. I knew that if she would just pour some water into the jar the ball would float right to the top. There are many things in life we have to deal with. Many hard and challenging trials, each having the power to make or break us. To tear us down, smother and bury us and keep us from our eternal goal, or to teach us, challenge us to grow and become a step that will bring us closer to our eternal goal. That trial becomes a step by having faith in the Lord and his plan. Accepting the challenge so that He may take the burden of it from us. By pouring the water of faith and obedience over our lives our challenges cannot hold us down. We will be brought to the top and can overcome all.
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