She's had a few bites of scrambed eggs and some juice and Ensure for breakfast. She's been able to incline her bed to 30 degrees and handle it. She has been up and to the bathroom, with help, but she did it. She also went for a real walk, with help again, but it was important for her to do. I know you've heard this before and seen pictures before, but all of those were over a week ago and before this last surgery. She's had to start at the beginning and do it all over again. So today, thus far, is a day of noticable progress...maybe they are "baby steps", but they are real and are promising.
Now we are praying they continue without the pattern of the past and a drop back down later. We hope she just keeps climbing upward from here. Whatever it takes she will much with your help, encouragement and support as with her own natural optimism and determination.
Oh, the doctors are still trying to determine why her headaches continue. They may do an MRI today to see if the area where she had her last lumbar drain is leaking under the skin. If so, they may do another "blood patch" to try and seal it. In the meantime, the plan is for her to keep stretching herself with enough activity to move forward without going too far, too fast, and creating a problem.
In any case, things right now are looking up.
Also, Tolan is at Lagoon (an amusement park) with the kids today. Since they missed out on their planned trip to Disneyland and Hawaii, he is treating them to some fun.
Jodi wants to thank everyone again for their prayers of support. She's been hearing from childhood friends and high school friends she hasn't talked to in years and that has really been a blessing to her.
Way to go!!!! We love baby steps!!!
We pray they continue onward and upward!
(Just tell me this... why do the staff wear rubber gloves when helping you walk? ;)
I'm soooo glad you are up and going - now to kick those headaches! You can do it!
Thankfully the light burns brighter! Love You x
Please let us know if there is anything you need or want!
Love Belinda and family xoxoxoxoxox
Hi Jodi,
It was great to see a picture of you up and walking a little bit again. We are SO PROUD of you. Give your mom a special congratulations for graduating from BYU H. That is awesome!! Hang in there and keep the good news coming!!
What you don't see in those photos are the angels bearing you up . . . and the thoughts of us here, earthbound, cheering you along. It was a mighty crowded hallway you walked in . . .
We thrill with every victory and kneel a bit longer with each setback. Onward and upward!
Hugs to you, President and Sis. Orgill. It's a beautiful day in Laie today.
Good, good, good!:)Wendy T. P.S. I'll even go as far as to say GREAT!
It is so good to see that you are making progress and getting up and around - even if it is only baby steps. We pray for your quick healing and continue to follow your progress everyday... Hang in there. We love you
Uncle Mark, Darlene & family
Hey Jodi, I am so glad to hear you are having a better lets keep it coming!!! Each new little baby step is such a blessing, and I hope that they continue so you can recover and get back home.
You are amazing!!! Stay Strong!!
Love ya, Kelly
You are such a strong amazing woman! You are our Hero!! We miss you so. Keep up with those baby steps, soon you will be running! I know the power of prayer is so strong. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers. I wish there was something we could do for you. We feel so helpless. So we pray, we think that is the most powerful thing we can do right now! Keep fighting the fight!
God bless you and your wonderful family!
The Lovato's
"Baby Steps" are quite exciting! I am so happy to hear about what Jodi has accomplished today. Jodi, you have so much determination and such a positive outlook. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me...I complain if I wake up with a little bit of a headache or if my throat hurts or if I pull a muscle...I think you are incredible and I really admire you. I am so sorry you have been through so much in the past 31 days...I hope you will be well and home with your beautiful family soon!!! Thanks again for being such an example to all of us! Love, Tami
Jodi and Tolan,
I just wanted you to know how much we are praying for you and your family. I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but 2 1/2 years ago, my husband Cory had brain surgery to remove a sarcoidosis mass in his cerebellum that involved a lot of grinding on the brain stem. While it was difficult, we have had so many blessings as a result of the surgery. Just like it said in the blessing, I know that you have angels watching over you and your children because of your faith. You are always in our thoughts. We are so proud of you! Baby steps will turn into bigger steps and small smiles will become big smiles and laughter, I promise!!
Love to you and your family!
Hey Jodi the first thing I do coming home from work is check the blog and it sure is a lot nicer to hear some improvements. We are continually praying for you. (Eventhough I still maintain Deb's prayers are a little more powerful then mine.) However I am contributing were I can. Also we would love to help watch the kids if you need us to. Just keep up that great determination and attitude that you always have Jodi. I was telling Debbie the other night reading the blog and all the people that write into this I did not even know how popular you are and how much you are loved!! If I had a blog I think my mom would write into it but that is about it. I was not near that popular in High School (actually I was a geek) to have you and Tolan as friends I am finally in the "IN" crowd. Thanks for being such a good friend to me and Debbie and our Family. Keep up the good progress. --Love Brandon Rhoads, Deb and kids...
We are so excited that you are doing better today. It is great to see you up walking. You are truly an amazing person. We hope this is the beginning of the end for your hospital stay. We miss you in Young Womens. We think about you every day and pray for your recovery. We love you so much and miss you tons.
Jessica, Hydee, Shalyce Weeks and
Olivia Eastman
Good job Jodi!!!
With the faith and determination that you show, those baby steps will get bigger and bigger. Isn't the gospel wonderful? What would we do without the powerful priesthood blessings that we receive? Our prays are with you and we hope that each day will get better and brighter! Hang in there. You are a hero to many. The comments on this blog just brings me to tears. You probably had no idea how much you and your family are loved.
With love,
The Orangevale, CA Fishes
I am so frustrated.....sometimes I can go right to your blog...other times not!!! Maybe I am just computer illiterate!!! Which is probably the case!!!! Anyway....Wow!!! This is the first time I have ever fasted!!! Jodi!!!! You have inspired me!!! Can I just tell you this........ I am STARVING!!!! he he it is now 6:48 pm....but it is all worth it!!!! I haven't eaten since 7 pm last night.... Do you remember me telling you that I am not very "prayerful" or very religious for that matter.....but I have learned to pray....thru you...i am getting better at it each and every day......But as I sit here and type these words,....I have true tears in my eyes.....I cannot even begin to imagine what you mush be going thru right now!!! Just know that I love you!!!! You have inspired me to be more love my children unconditionally....Oh my gosh girlfriend! I know that I am rambling.....but I just want you to know that you have inspired me to be a better person. I pray for you every day!!!! Cindy Taylor
I am still amazed at your strength! It is a testimony to us all. Keep smiling! We love you
Deanne,Steve & family
I just spoke with dad. Sounds like you have a pretty nasty headache right now. I am praying it leaves...quickly!!
Thank you for 'my necklace'. I love it!! I have not taken it off since I opened it. You know me so well...
I love you sweetie. I miss you like crazy and wish I could take away your pain. I am in continual awe of all you are experiencing. I can only imagine how difficult this process has been. I am hoping when you start feeling better, you will be able to write a memoir of your experience. I would love to read your innermost thoughts durng this time.
I love you. I miss you. You continue to be my 'little' sister who I have 'looked' up to my entire life. And, though we are both older, I continue to 'look' up to my 'little' sister! :)
I love you beautiful. I can't wait to give you a big hug, and play with hair extensions and different hair styles. It will be a good summer.
Rest, recover and know you are loved,
Kristi Marie
Jodi, I love your willingness to progress. The fact that you are NOT giving up and are determined to overcome this, along with all the prayers, blessings, and support, is awesome. Keep it up. You are amazing. You are one tough chick!!! My children are all extremely concerned about you and they too continue to say lots of prayers for you. They ask about the progress daily. You are beautiful. XO
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